The ancient art and science of Acupuncture sprouted from humble beginnings in China more than 5,000 years ago using bian stones as needles. Today, we insert and manipulate filiform needles, in differing lengths and thicknesses, into designated points on the body to treat pain and disease and restore health. Filiform needles are about the width of 5-10 human hairs and, unlike blood-draw needles, are solid which allows them to be inserted with little pain. There are several differing theories on how Acupuncture works. The neuro-hormonal theory suggests that acupuncture releases endorphins in the brain which block pain. Another theory suggests Acupuncture releases nitric oxide gases from the body, thereby increasing blood circulation and relieving pain.
The 12 channels or meridians through which energy travels in your body are based on your organs. The stomach meridian, which is not only used to treat problems with gut function but also foot and ankle pain and sleep issues, has 45 points available to be used by the acupuncturist if needed. The other common channels or meridians include the large and small intestine, heart, pericardium, liver, gallbladder, kidney, bladder, spleen, lung, and triple warmer.
Your initial acupuncture consultation with our licensed acupuncturist will include a detailed patient history, a review of your body systems, and other questions used to determine the quantity and type (needling or non-needling) of treatments required. Your treatment can begin immediately following your initial consultation or can be scheduled for a future visit. The average treatment usually lasts approximately 30 minutes, although the length of time may be increased if you are in a critical state or need a second treatment phase involving reinsertion of your needles on the front or back of your body. The treatment plan for an acute condition (i.e. ankle sprain) may contain 4-5 visits for complete resolution. Long-standing issues or chronic conditions (i.e. ulcerative colitis) treatment plans may contain as many as 10-12 sessions. Because acupuncture therapy is cumulative, the closer the time between treatment sessions, the more successful the treatment will be.
Your initial acupuncture consultation with our Licensed Acupuncturist will include a detailed patient history, a review of your body systems and other questions used to determine the quantity and type (needling or non-needling) of treatments required. Your treatment can begin immediately following your initial consultation or can be scheduled for a future visit. The average treatment usually lasts approximately 30 minutes, although the length of time may be increased if you are in a very critical state or need a second treatment phase involving reinsertion of your needles on the front or back of your body. The treatment plan for an acute condition (i.e. ankle sprain) may contain 4-5 visits for complete resolution. Long-standing issues or chronic conditions (i.e. ulcerative colitis) treatment plans may contain as many as 10-12 sessions. As Acupuncture is a cumulative therapy, the closer together the treatment sessions, the more successful the treatment is.